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Philippine Navy commissions two Shaldag Mk V attack craft
Philippine Navy commissions two Shaldag Mk V attack craft
Philippine Navy commissions two Shaldag Mk V attack craft

Rafael | The Philippines’ Shaldag Mk V fast attack craft are built by Israel Shipyards and feature a Rafael naval combat system.
The Philippine Navy has commissioned two Shaldag Mk V fast attack craft built by Israel Shipyards and equipped with a Rafael naval combat suite.
The combat suite includes a combat management system, Typhoon and Mini-Typhoon remote weapons stations, Naval Spike missiles, SeaCom internal and external communication system and BNET Tactical Data Link.
The two vessels, BRP Nestor Acero (PG-901) and BRP Lolinato To-Ong (PG-802), were commissioned on 28 November 2022.
They were delivered from Israel on a cargo ship in early September and underwent testing and technical inspections before being formally commissioned.
The Philippines has ordered nine of the Fast Attack Interdiction Craft (FAIC-M) with plans to assemble four locally at the Cavite naval yard.
A contract for the procurement was agreed in 2021, which also covered upgrading the facilities at Cavite. The estimated unit cost is $15 million.
The three remaining Israeli-built craft are due to be delivered by late 2023, with the four from Cavite estimated to be in service by 2025.
The Shaldags are intended to replace the Tomas Batilo-class fast attack craft (South Korea’s Chamsuri design), of which only two remained in active service by late 2022.
The navy’s Littoral Combat Force requires the boats to secure key sea lines of communication, such as the Mindoro, Balabac, Sitbutu and Basilan Straits, against conventional threats.
According to Shephard Defence Insight, the vessels feature a deep-V hull and welded marine aluminium alloy superstructure designed to offer low resistance and superior sea-keeping characteristics such as low slamming in rough seas.
The craft measure 31.2m long with a 6.4m beam and 1.25m draft. They displace 95t with a maximum speed of 40kts and 1,850km range, carrying a crew of 14.
Other customers for the Shaldag Mk V include Azerbaijan (six in service), Israel (four on order) and Senegal (one in service).
By: Harry Lye / London
Article | Shephard Media