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Austal maintains delivery tempo for Evolved Cape class patrol boat programme
Austal maintains delivery tempo for Evolved Cape class patrol boat programme
Austal maintains delivery tempo for Evolved Cape class patrol boat programme
INDUSTRY WATCH | 17 June 2023

Austal | ADV Cape Woolomai was handed over on 22 June
Austal Australia has delivered the fifth of eight Evolved Cape-class patrol boats (ECCPBs) to the Royal Australian Navy (RAN).
The ADV Cape Woolamai was officially accepted by the Australian government on 22 June 2023.
Austal CEO Paddy Gregg said: ‘This latest vessel… is the fifth we have delivered in just 15 months. We’re launching and delivering a new patrol boat every three months, following approximately 12 months’ construction.
‘Austal’s highly skilled and efficient local production team, supported by our trusted supply chain partners, are achieving outstanding productivity in the delivery of the Evolved Cape-class Patrol Boat Project for the Royal Australian Navy.’
Originally destined for Australian customs, eight first-generation Cape-class 58m aluminium monohulls were delivered between March 2013 and September 2015 for the RAN. A further two vessels were ordered in late 2015 by National Australia Bank, for lease to the Australian DoD; the first was delivered in May 2017.
Austal was then awarded a contract to build six ECCPBs for the RAN in May 2020. This was worth A$324 million and was said to provide important economic funds and employment continuity during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The attendant support contract extended for a minimum of eight years and encompasses intermediate and depot-level maintenance activities. Further options can be exercised for in-service support for the life of the fleet.
The boats carry two 7.3m Gemini RHIB craft in cradles at the stern for intercept and rescue operations and are designed to be able to conduct 28-day patrols.
On 18 April 2022, the Prime Minister of Australia announced that the RAN would order two more ECCPB vessels in addition to the six already contracted.
Austal laid the keel for the first patrol boat on 24 July 2020, and it was then launched on 22 September 2021 from the Austal yard in Henderson, Western Australia.
The second ship in the class was launched on 5 March 2022. With a ship delivered every four months, the last patrol boat is expected to join the RAN in November 2023.
The navy took delivery of the first, Cape Otway, on 23 March 2022. The second, Cape Peron, was delivered on 5 August 2022, and the third, Cape Naturaliste on 3 November.
The fourth, Cape Capricorn, followed on 13 February 2023, with Cape Woolomai then joining the fleet this month.
Austal is also contracted to deliver 22 steel Guardian-class patrol boats to the Commonwealth of Australia under the Pacific Patrol Boat Replacement Project and has delivered 15 since 2018.
By: Shephard News Team / London
Article | Shephard Media